How Fowling Will Help Up Your Agency New Business Game-3 Takeaways Ep. 77
Ad agency friends-have you ever heard of fowling?
Whether you have or not-it has many similarities with ad agency new business.
And if you don’t know, I’ll tell you what it is.
Welcome to “3 Takeaways”, your agency new business video series where we focus on one new business category and give you three takeaways to help improve your new business program.
Are you familiar with Fowling?
Created in Detroit apparently, Fowling is a game where you essentially throw a football into a set of bowling pins and try and knock them all down.
Like bowling, but you’re using a football instead.
You have two boards where each set of pins sits, 32 feet apart. So-Fowling.
So, we’re about to go Fowling as a company, a little outing. And that’s apropos, because Fowling is a lot like agency new business.
You thought this was going to be an instructional fowling video didn’t you?
Well, sort of, first, because it may sound easy-it is not.
I have seen women and men throw perfect spirals and hit nothing.
So Lee, you’re thinking, how else is Fowling like agency new business? Oh, I’ll tell you.
Here’s your first takeaway:
Patience is a virtue.
OK, before you stop watching, this a building block of new business.
But there’s some of you watching and you’re thinking, yeah, I know that, but you don’t live it.
And you’re going to lose that big client, and suddenly need new business.
Then you’re prospecting from a place of desperation. You don’t want to be there-check out episode 49 of 3 Takeaways for more on that.
And you absolutely need patience for Fowling.
I’ve seen it get down to the last pin and take a long time to knock it down.
OK, your second takeaway:
Precision is key.
It’s tough, but those footballs have zero play-it goes to one spot and then bounces away, typically.
Same with new business-if all you’re doing is mass emails with zero homework, or intent, you may get a hit every now and then, but you’re wasting time in my opinion.
Alright, and your third takeaway:
You need to get creative.
In fowling, after the thirteenth time trying to hit those last two pins, maybe you try and throw it underhand.
Not very graceful, but I’ve seen it work.
Same with new business-there will be a time when you’ve used all your case studies, don’t have new content, you’ve used your site-in those cases, you have to get creative.
Google is always your friend, you can always find some piece of news on the company or industry.
Or maybe you send an old school letter.
Whatever you do, you can’t wait for things to happen.
So there you have it: fowling and new business. Who knew?
Thanks for watching 3 Takeaways.