‘We saw a need for it’: Business development firm assembles care kits for those experiencing homelessness

'We saw a need for it': Business development firm assembles care kits for those experiencing homelessness

WALNUT HILLS, Ohio (WKRC) – RSW/US, a business development firm in Walnut Hills is putting together hundreds of personal care kits to help those experiencing homelessness in the Cincinnati area.


The business development firm that works solely with ad agencies has been collecting donations from employees and corporate donors since June 1. Each bag will have personal items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, tampons, and deodorant. They also packed food bags with snacks, tuna, and juice boxes.

Employees will distribute the bags to those in need in the community, and 100 bags will go to Lighthouse Youth Services for its clients as well.

“When I first started the company in ’05 I wanted to you know give back and not just take and this is really sort of a manifestation of that sort of vision and desire to put a program together that can give back to the community,” said RSW/US President and CEO Mark Sneider.

RSW is a marketing firm that connects brands to agencies, but they also have RSW Cares which is a philanthropy division of the organization.

“It’s something to get the organization together through serving, you know a lot of times we get so busy with the business, that we don’t think about ourselves, and others so why not just take the time to unite together and help people,” said Shadre Parker, Director of Philanthropy for RSW Cares.

This is one of many philanthropic events RSW organizes every year, it also partners with Soles4Souls, where they collect shoes for those in need. That initiative will be hosted in September of this year.

This is the first time the company has organized a homeless initiative.

“We saw a need for it, I think a lot of us, we used to work in Madeira and now we work here in Walnut Hills and since then just on our routes we’ve seen people in need more and wanting to help out,” said RSW Cares team member Kiana Puskas.

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