3 Ways to Steer the Right Creative Talent Toward Your Business

3 Ways to Steer the Right Creative Talent Toward Your Business

Showcase what your company has to offer when it comes to a creative career, and build a culture that values original employee contributions. Otherwise, your in-house creative team, and creative talent will be a short-lived experiment.


The landscape of opportunity for creatives and creative talent is growing. Advertising agencies are no longer the only employment option for those looking for full-time work, and career prospects have never been brighter.

In the digital, direct-to-consumer era when brands differentiate themselves by crafting unique products and identities, more and more companies are realizing that they need a creative edge.

The best way to hone this edge? Assembling in-house teams composed of copywriters, product designers, web developers, graphic designers, content producers and more.

In fact, a 2017 survey conducted by RSW/US revealed that traditional agencies are seeing fewer client referrals than ever before, which Adweek attributes to an increase in brands forming their own in-house teams.

For highly qualified creatives, this transition in agency structure provides an abundance of opportunities.

Our company has a unique perspective on the market when it comes to hiring talented creative professionals.

When we launched in 2012 as an online platform linking freelancers and full-time creative talent to companies looking for their services, about 80 percent of our clients were advertising agencies.

Today, that number is closer to 40 percent, with startups and more established brands moving into the majority position.

With the change in industry trends in mind, it’s important to remember that creatives are similar to many other professionals working at a company, which means they’ll be attracted to certain perks and the promise of a clear career trajectory.

However, we’ve dug deeper to produce useful insights into the process of hiring creative talent that companies across various industries should understand and utilize.

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