RSW/US Agency of the Future eBook
How to Flourish as an Agency of the Future
This book evolved from a request from Magnet Global for us to paint the picture of “The Agency of the Future” at one of their conferences.
While it could seem daunting to peer several years into the future of an industry undergoing incredible evolution, RSW/US is particularly well primed for it.
Uniquely positioned in the advertising industry as an outsourced agency new business development group, we are deeply engaged with both agencies and marketers.
For nearly ten years, we have conducted surveys with both agencies and marketers.
These produce tremendous insight from key executives on both “sides” about trends that impact how brands go to market and the way agencies and marketers work together.
Our Magnet Global talk identified eight traits that agencies need to possess to “future-proof” their business and thrive as our changing industry tosses up new challenges and serves up tremendous opportunities.
These traits are:
• Nimble & Agile
• Student of Technology
• Curator & Contractor
• Real Timer
• Content Creator
• Selectively Specialized
• Savvier Competitor
• Partner, Not Player
Of course, not EVERY individual in your firm needs to possess these traits. However, your culture needs to foster them.
Across your organization, these characteristics need to be strong and continuously nurtured.
With this eBook and accompanying agency new business resources, RSW/US has literally “painted the picture” of The Agency of the Future.