Entries by Mark Sneider


Consistency is Next to Godliness

Consistency is vital when it comes to new business for professional service firms. We talk to companies every day, both client and prospective, and have engaged in a few surprising conversations. Some of these execs conveyed they’ve had a pretty good run lately handling new business internally. They’ve created a memorable direct mail piece, dedicated […]


Why Are You Giving Up Too Easily?

Why are you giving up too easily? In an insightful post by John K. Thompson called “To Avoid Overload, Engage Your Audience”, Thompson begins by pointing out the all-too-many sources of information available to us. Too many twisty knots of overloaded information confusion, and not the filters to hand me what I need when I […]


5 Ways to Activate Your New Business Toe

The biggest DANGER of social media…is doing nothing. Not only does “doing nothing” mean sitting idly by and watching your competitors blog/post on LinkedIn, but it also means starting a program and not “activating” it. Merely dipping your toe in the water isn’t enough; you need to fully immerse yourself to make social media work […]


Everyone is Calling Your Prospects

The daunting cold call. A process that, if handled correctly, shouldn’t feel overwhelming—though it’s easy for salespeople to overlook that everyone, not just their competitors, is reaching out to their prospects. Although we actually don’t like to refer to it as cold-calling, because literally calling someone cold is ineffective, but I’m probably preaching to the […]